
Successfully defended PhD theses:

► June '16:

Shyamtanu Datta (Section BIOMED)

Miriam de Jel (Section BIOMED)

Marc Urban (Section CBB)

Helena Zacharias (Section CBB)

Mathias Raß (Section Neurobio)

► July '16:

Ulla Obermayr (Section MEE)

Corinna Ott (Section CBB)

Thomas Jendryke (Section BIOMED)

Daniel Peterlik (Section Neurobio)

Martin Pirkl (Section BIOMED)

Almut Brand (Section BIOMED)

Brian Bitsch Sorensen (Section CBB)

► September '16:

Dagmar Koschnitzki (Section CBB)

Janina Staffel (Section BIOMED)

Benedikt Müller (Section CBB)


We congratulate them for their excellent performance and wish them all the best for their future career!