Management & Coordination
RIGeL Management & Coordination is responsible for the organization of the PhD program and the implementation of its structure.
RIGeL Management & Coordination is the place to go for all organizational issues regarding the PhD program: Credit points, contribution of courses, RIGeL events, RIGeL Curriculum, finances etc.
Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Gernot Längst
Phone: +49 941 943-2600
Email: gernot.laengst[at]
Management of the graduate school, representatative in the public
Coordination Office
Carolin Apfel (M. A.)
Room: PHY 7.2.09B (Department of Biophysics I)
Phone: +49 941 943-3111
Kinga Ay (M. A.)
Room: PHY 7.2.09B (Department of Biophysics I)
Phone: +49 941 943-3111
Issues regarding the PhD program: credit points, contribution of courses,
RIGeL events, RIGeL curriculum, finances etc.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday | 9:00-14:30
Wednesday | 09:00-17:00
or by arrangement