
Thesis 150 CP
Research Plan - within first 3 months     5 CP
1st Research Report - after 11 to13 months   10 CP
2nd Research Report - after 23 to 25 months*   15 CP
Dissertation 120 CP

* After 4 years of PhD start further Research Reports are mandatory annually. In that case the mandatory amount of CP in Thesis changes (3rd RR: 165 CP, 4th RR: 180 CP).

3rd Research Report - after 47 to 49 months (15 CP)
4th Research Report - after 59 to 61 months (15 CP)


Research Plan

The research plan must be written within the first three months (about 3 pages) after starting your PhD. It should introduce the topic and summarize project aims as well as the methods to be used. The Research Plan must be submitted with the RIGeL application form as well as sent to the mentoring team. The mentors are allowed to comment on the research plan and to suggest changes.


1st and 2nd Research Report

The research report consists of an oral presentation and a written protocol on the progress of the PhD project (max. 3 p.).

The oral presentation must be given in front of the mentoring team. After the oral presentation, a protocol must be written on project progress and on mentoring team suggestions. The second research report must include the experimental outcome of previous mentor suggestions.

A research report form must be signed by the supervisor and by all mentors! The protocol must be uploaded directly to the digital Leistungsheft and sent to the mentoring team.


3rd Research Report (after 47 to 49 months)

The 3rd research report is mandatory only for PhD students after the 4th year of PhD start! From the 5th year annual research reports are mandatory.




In order to submit your dissertation, you must apply for admission of dissertation (Zulassung zum Promotionsverfahren) at the Biology and Preclinical Medicine Faculty administration office.

For further information see: Submission of thesis