Excursions & Industry Relations

Who we are and what we are doing
University academic education has a strong focus on research with little to no reference to industry, although only a portion of the academics remain in academic research. The Excursions & Industry Relations group offers the opportunity to get to know perspectives in the industry.
Get in touch with relevant pharma and biotech companies!
Make first contact to potential future employers!
Help us grow our network of industrial partners!
We organize
- excursions to biotech and pharma companies (Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Nano Temper, Thermo Fisher etc.),
- trips to exhibitions and trade fairs (analytica, jobvector etc.)
- and invite speakers from industry (Roche Lecture Series, Company Talks).

Our group members:
BENZAL--MAZUY Jeanne - BIOMEDIGS (since September 2024)
Chaiban Clara - BIOMEDIGS (since September 2024)
Drexler Lukas - Section CBB (since July 2022)
Eichlinger Julian - Section CBB (since July 2022)
Hiefinger Caroline - Section CBB, speaker (since December 2020)
Hoffmann Frauke - Section Biomed (since October 2022)
Kokal-Ribaudo Miriam - Section Biomed (since November 2023)
Magnus Clara - Section Biomed (since October 2022)
Montagner Agata - Section Biomed (since September 2024)
Nerb Benedikt - Section Biomed (since April 2021)
Sameri Saba - BIOMEDIGS (since November 2023)
Sheibani Tezerji Sara - Section Neurobio (since September 2024)
Schüler Jan - Section Biomed (since April 2023)
Contact us
If interested come and join us!
Contact: Rigel.School@ur.de