
The biology of ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) is an important and quickly expanding area of current life science research. Especially for young and less experienced researchers in this field it is often difficult to keep an overview over and to identify and select the optimal combination of analytical tools required to solve their various questions.

Therefore, the Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology organizes a practical course for PhD students with the aim to introduce the participants to a selection of innovative new approaches and state-of-the-art methodology in RNP biology research. Participants will receive hands-on training by renowned experts in the field and have the possibility to discuss their own research projects with invited speakers and local experts to further their own research projects.

In addition to the scientific excellence of the invited speakers the practical course builds on a strong local methodological expertise since all of the presented techniques are actively used by at least one research team within the Collaborative Research Center SFB960 (


The practical course “From Ensembles to Single-Molecule Analysis - Modern Methods of RNP Analysis” will take place from 8 to 12 October 2018 in Regensburg. Course attendance is free. Registration deadline is 15 July 2018.


For further information and for registration please visit following website:

Practical Course RNP Analysis