
Successfully defended PhD theses:

January '18:

Anton Moll (Section Biomed)

Carina Matos (Section Biomed)

February '18:

Sara Afonso (Section Biomed)

Thomas Neder (Section Biomed)

Alexander Pfab (Section CBB)

Tobias Welz (Section Biomed)

March '18:

Catarina Quintanova (Section Biomed)

Harald Donaubauer (Section CBB)

Pedro Lopes (Section CBB)

April '18:

Hung Ho Xuan (Section CBB)

Rohit Menon (Section Nurobio)

May '18:

Ingrid Araya (Section CBB)

June '18:

Zugey Elizabeth Cárdenas Conejo (Section Biomed)

Tanja Bartoschik (Section CBB)

Andrea Dillinger (Section Neurobio)

Rebecca Moschall (Section CBB)

July '18:

Elisabeth Haberl (Section Biomed)

Trixi von Schlippenbach (Section Biomed)

Anna Federlein (Section Biomed)


We congratulate them for their excellent performance and wish them all the best for their future career!

Foto: T. von Schlippenbach