Successful defenses of PhD theses from August to December 2018
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Successfully defended PhD theses:
August '18:
Sandra Pohl (Section CBB)
Daniele Hasler (Section CBB)
Pia Berlik (Section CBB)
Kristina Straub (Section CBB)
October '18:
Christian Ziegler (Section CBB)
Florian Hochapfel (Section Biomed)
Lars Kullmann (Section Biomed)
Gudrun Medl (Section Biomed)
Richard Kiener (Section Biomed)
Markus Landgraf (Section CBB)
December '18:
Riccarda Wolter (Section MEE)
Julia Minderjahn (Section CBB)
We congratulate them for their excellent performance and wish them all the best for their future career!
Foto: K. Straub