RIGeL Day / Fakultaetsfest 2024
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RIGeL Day / Fakultaetsfest 2024
This year`s first Summer School in Ensdorf
This year's RIGeL Day / Fakultätsfest, which has been organized by RIGeL together with the student association, started with bright sunshine. However, a short look at the weather radar did not bode well. During the opening and information piches of the student groups and university's institutions, rain clouds were already gathering in the sky above us. Shortly afterwards it started to rain.
Fortunately, thanks to the hard work of the student association at the barbecue and drinks bar, all guests had been provided with food and drink by then, so it was no problem to quickly move the tables and beer benches into the corridor of the building and continue enjoying the party there. Despite the rather unfortunate weather, many people stayed until the fire show. And once again, they were not disappointed. Mich Röhrl enthused the audience with a spectacular performance with fire, flames and light elements.
Once again, it was a very nice and cozy festival. And hey, once in 10 years it can also get rainy ;-)
We look forward to the next festival in 2025!