RIGeL Lecture Series - Current Concepts in Biology, WiSe 24/25
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RIGeL Lecture Series - Current Concepts in Biology, WiSe 24/25
This year`s second Summer School in Niederalteich
Tag der Biowissenschaften 2024 - PhD prize awards
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This year`s first Summer School in Ensdorf
Get an insight into different research areas of the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine as well as the Faculty of Medicine!
With this lecture series we would like to give you an overview about the current research topics of the working groups of the faculties Biology and Preclinical Medicine and Medicine as well as state-of-the-art methods which are used in the different groups.
We plan 7 lectures for the winter term 2024/2025. Joining the lecture series is possible at any time, you don't have to register. If you have attended at least 6 lectures you will receive 0.5 CP for the RIGeL Curriculum as a Method Course! Attending the 6 lectures over several semesters is possible!
Following dates and speakers are scheduled:
30.10. | Prof. Dr. Dietmar Zaiß, Immune Cell Communication
13.11. | Prof. Dr. Till Rudack, Structural Bioinformatics
27.11. | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Sterner, Biochemistry II
11.12. | PD Dr. Tomer Czaczkes, Zoology
08.01. | PD Dr. Patrick Babinger, Biochemistry II
22.01. | Prof. Dr. Gernot Längst, Biochemistry III
05.02. | Prof. Dr. Frank Schweda, Physiology II